193 Mansfield St.
We are currently offering in-person practice on Wednesdays and Sundays (with remote option), and remote practice via zoom on Mondays evenings, and Weekday mornings. See the Resources and Links Tab for more info! Schedule subject to change. For latest updates, please email [email protected] to be added to the email list.
Wednesday Practice Schedule
7:00 pm - Chanting 7:30 pm - Sitting 8:00 pm - Walking 8:10 pm - Sitting 8:40 pm - Four Great Vows and Announcements Introduction to Meditation - 6:30 pm on 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings. If you are new to practice or to our tradition, please attend this offering before coming to regular public practice. 1st Wed - Regular Practice 2nd Wed - Short talk and discussion (2nd sitting period) 3rd Wed - Consulting Interviews with Abbot or HDT 4th Wed - Short talk and discussion (2nd sitting period) |
Sunday Practice Schedule
9:00 am - Sitting 9:30 am - Walking 9:40 am - Sitting 10:10 am - Walking 10:20 am - Sitting 10:50 am - Chanting 11:00 am - Talk and Q and A (when ZM Jok Um is in town) 12:00 pm - Lunch (when ZM Jok Um is in town) 1st Sun - Regular Practice 2nd Sun - Regular Practice 3rd Sun - Consulting Interviews with Abbot or HDT, Long sit (9 am - 1 PM) 4th Sun - Regular Practice |